Facebook dislike button now on trial

May 2, 2018 by onlineph | Comments Off on Facebook dislike button now on trial | Filed in Business, Internet, SmartPhones, Social Network, Technology

Facebook rolls out Reddit-style downvote button to its users in New Zealand and Australia. This new tool lets the users to give their feedback about comments and tells Facebook whether the comments are disrespectful or has bad intentions.

The downvotes are far from the upside-down thumb which Facebook used to have to indicate dislike. An information box pops out to explain why there are new arrows below the comments. Readmore

Google URL Shortener also known as goo.gl, is shutting down

April 12, 2018 by onlineph | Comments Off on Google URL Shortener also known as goo.gl, is shutting down | Filed in Blogging, Business, Google, Internet, Technology

The popular URL shortening service, Google URL Shortener also known as goo.gl, is shutting down. Firebase Software Engineer Michael Hermanto announced the closure of one of the most useful tools on the internet which allows users to easily share links, measure traffic online, and shorten URLs. Starting April 13th, new and anonymous users would not be able to create links through the console, but existing users can use the server for at least another year. After which, Google will discontinue the service completely. Readmore

PAL offers discounted flight fares as low as P77 for its 77th Anniversary Promo

March 7, 2018 by onlineph | Comments Off on PAL offers discounted flight fares as low as P77 for its 77th Anniversary Promo | Filed in Business, Travel

Itching to travel this year, but low on a budget? Philippine Airlines may be the answer to your prayers! This year marks the 77th anniversary of the airlines, and what better way to celebrate it but to offer discounted flights?

PAL, the country’s first and only 4-star global airline, announced that they are offering discounted plane tickets for as low as Php77 from March 5 to 11, 2018. Customers can book the discounted flights with travel dates from April 16, 2018 to January 29, 2019. Readmore

New Discovery will change Technology with 3 Month Lasting Battery

January 11, 2018 by onlineph | Comments Off on New Discovery will change Technology with 3 Month Lasting Battery | Filed in Internet, SmartPhones, Technology

Our mobile phones increased function as time passed by. Once just a medium for call and texting, we now pretty much do everything with our smart phones. With all its functionality, we often see ourselves having our phone fully charged a priority.

Sure we have seen a huge improvement with battery life since cellphones had been introduced in the market. But this next technology can be a game changer, since you may be able to charge your phone just once every three months in the future. Readmore

UnionBank New Feature Allows Users to Lock ATM Cards

November 9, 2017 by onlineph | Comments Off on UnionBank New Feature Allows Users to Lock ATM Cards | Filed in Business, Internet, SmartPhones, Technology, Tutorials

As technology further develops, hackers and scammers also upgrade their ways to steal money virtually. One of the most common bank frauds is ATM skimming.

This method steals card information from the magnetic stripe on the back of the ATM card. It is often installed in ATMs with oblivious users withdraw money or make transactions.  Once your information had been stolen, the criminals make a card with your information and withdraw your hard earned money from elsewhere. Readmore

How to Easily Recover Your Hacked Facebook Account

August 11, 2017 by onlineph | Comments Off on How to Easily Recover Your Hacked Facebook Account | Filed in Internet, Technology, Tutorials

It is a fact that most of us invested many things on our Facebook account. It is not just merely a social media account, but a treasure trove of memories and confidential information. Those are the reasons we lose a lot when our Facebook becomes hacked.

Some would opt to just create another account, but this is not always the best decision especially when your old account holds confidential/important information. The good news is there are several ways to recover your account even after it was compromised. Readmore

Philippines: Preparing the Implementation of National ID

July 21, 2017 by onlineph | Comments Off on Philippines: Preparing the Implementation of National ID | Filed in Business, Featured, Government, Internet, Public Service

The national identification system has been long proposed for the unification of different government processes for the convenience of the Filipino citizens. However, at the moment the bill still needs to undergo second and third readings. But even before it succeeds going through the process, the government is already preparing for its implementation. Readmore